Saturday, March 30, 2002

ahhh the Junkie was in no such mood, he's not too fond of James Taylor either. In fact it was such a pisser of a mood, he nearly lost me on the beach. Decided to bolt as I was sitting down in the saddle. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been holding the lead of another horse who's rider had just been thrown. She was still tender and just freshly convinced to get back in the saddle again. I let go of the lead knowing Cashmere would probably prefer to stay still, rather than freak out with the Junkie balls-or-nada down the beach. It didn't really scare me, as I wrestled the reigns, and wrapped my legs around him, I was more worried for the poor woman we'd left alone. I glanced back once hoping my intuition was correct about Cashmere. She looked totally pathetic, Cashmere hadn't moved, goooood horse. Denny's is not much for these quiet rides, but I acted like nothing happened as I returned to Cashmere. Can I walk? Um, it's about two miles back to the stables. coax coax, she began to settle. Denny was still insane, the Hackmore had rubbed him raw, under the chin, we were both annoyed at the same situation, but for different reasons. At the time The Pinto, she was riding, was being ponied by Ricardo, who speaks no english, he showed me his hand where the lead had opened old wounds when he tried to hold the Pinto. In one hand was the Pinto in the other Ricardo was riding Cowboy, who's head was already in the barn, and lathered to go. All the horses get Barn crazy on the beach, and keeping a herd under control with a bunch of people who think they can ride is really exciting. He had to let go of the Pinto, the Pinto came racing towards me, I turned Denny, hoping I'd make a better door, the Pinto, who is usually a lazy ass, brilliantly went around me, and began to loosen the saddle. The rider, already screaming her head off, began to turn on the twisting saddle. One is not supposed to panic in these situations, so when the pony passed me I got Denny going, but the lack of saddle meant she wasn't going much farther. oh shit. Yeah, so the saddle went one way and she went the other, the moment she touched the ground the Pinto stopped. It wasn't horrible, she landed on a sandy beach, just one of those days I suppose. One of her friends bravely offered up Cashmere, and took the Pinto.
I'm drinking Bourbon now.