Tuesday, March 26, 2002

El Rio
the mission hipsters are crowding the bar for Dollar Popov and cran, Bud Lite and Gin and Tonics in a bottle simply labeled GIN. I watch someone buy 13 drinks and only tip $2! I'm sure he's just a little strapped this week because he just made his scooter payment.
The bar smells like a used clothing store. All the men are wearing their father's clothing from the 80's. This is the look. Pick a hair style crew cut, shag, fro, apply Members Only Jacket add possibly biggest square glasses, one can find preferably bent, you forgot the really tight jeans, no, that would be impressive, baggy slacks and an almost adorable, but you look like my father, memorial day 1982, personality you can find. Personally I just want to get him drunk and make out with him on his shinny new Vespa Did I mention the bar smells like ARC? I always appreciate a good mullet, it seems the bravest of hairstyles, if attempting this fashion genre. No one dared in this crowd. The atmosphere lacked the sense of humor about these things. It seems imperative, but I can envision the stone sober look of want at the Valencia Vintage store as one turns the price tag to the 1984 pine green and black Powder Jacket. That's so cool! uh-huh. Choire had a mullet last summer. He called it a dare and his friends were begging him to cut it off. I thought it was super sexy. He looked like a senior in high school, ready for shop class. I thought about sculpting my own, but realized I'd look like the gym teacher.
My third drink, and I am still not getting past the memories of The Bureau of Reclamation, picnics atLair O' The Bear. Every summer the Doctors of Biology would don their brown slacks and frizzy long hair, occasionally passing on the deodorant, except my dad. The clothing was a uniform, not a fashion statement. So it's funny seeing it as such. The women at this bar are still in the70's and 60's. One mini-Jackie dress coat, with bob and dippty-doo hair cut. She carried a black Patton purse and wore blocky healed shoes. I suppose the dare of 80's would inflict shoulder pads, pastel colors, and big belts. Next dollar Mondays I'm wearing my Mumu. Where's my Swatch protector?