Thursday, March 28, 2002

"I should know! I'm the priest!"
Just before my parents arrived, last weekend, Jess calls to invite me to her wedding. Well not exactly. My oldest best, shyly, asked me to perform the ceremony, this is possible because they've already been married, by the state appointed judge or county clerk, at the big court house in NYC last April. There, the parents met the parents, and the two were wed in about 3 minutes. In October half of Dublin, and Jess' clan will collide. A picturesque upstate NY town has been selected, which will be admired for it's fall color, a perfect place for the in-laws to meet, and much Guinness to be poured. This wedding I am not the Photographer, or the florist, I'll just stand in front of everyone and say something about the two in front of me then proceed to get very drunk while flirting with the accents. The "say something" bit is what has my attention. Okay. Say someting, about Jess and Jason and love. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer someone who's known love a little longer, better, grasp, wisdom, my stomach is turning, I wanted to say all this then graciously back out of her proposal, but none of it was true, so I just hung up the phone and took some deep breaths. I do know love, I am not very brave in showing it, and evil Jess wants me to gush for her and Jason in front of the lads.
Okay, because I adore you.