Sunday, March 17, 2002

A Sunday off, which is too bad really, because I hate forcing myself to do what I have been avoiding all week, it takes way too much motivation. Drinking more coffee, takes 15.4 minutes and oh yeah write in this blog thingy, which I have been avoiding all week long. I think I'll have another coffee.
Yesterday the Junkie, was in a super mood. I wonder if I'll ever stop being surprised that animals have good and bad days too. He nickered when he saw me open the paddock. I think this is a good sign, It's kind of like a purr from a cat on catnip, a bit feisty. The good mood lasted all day, his head tossing, sweating and twitching has decreased dramatically. cool.
He's listening to you. A rider mentioned, though she was the one who couldn't stop talking, I think he was really just ease dropping. One ear to me, as I hum songs, like a god-cowboy.
This is good.
I'm seeing myself like the front page of a magazine.
Swimming in it: Surprised at the re-realization that other beings have emotions (besides her narcissistic self) author witnesses little bubbly captions posted in clouds above the heads of everyone she meets.
Submerged-sturgeon introverted -mollusk, or just a skipped stone: What sort of marine animal are you?
The Pet Psychic: Uh-huh, when she said get out more, she meant, you better meet me half way.